5 Ways To Show Your Lover That Size Doesn’t Matter

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Being in a relationship can result in many insecurities about their genital size and body. It is the responsibility of people to cherish their partners and shows that size does not matter. Here are five ways to show your lover that size does not matter.

  1. Show her your mind-blowing techniques

As a guy, you shouldn’t get caught up in all of these false notions surrounding sex and the size of a man’s natural endowment. In a man’s world, you may think that an extra-large penis size signifies your dignity as a man, but in a woman’s world, a super large penis may simply be an annoyance. This will especially be the case if the girl is a petite size herself.

Good sex is not just about size. So what if you’ve got a huge junk? What are you gonna do about it? Just swinging it here and there and getting it hard won’t get you anywhere. In order to please a woman, you need to learn some real skills. You need to know the female anatomy as well as the female turn-ons. Meanwhile, personality and attitude are also a huge part of good sex. It’s when the woman likes you that she’ll allow herself to enjoy sex with you.

  1. Show her that you are so much more than just your penis size

Although many men worry about penis size, many of them forget that a person doesn’t get defined by the size of their sex organ. Who are you? What kind of man are you? Do you have dreams and goals? Are you a loving person and a typical husband-material of a guy? Do you know how to respect other people? Can you be romantic and caring towards your partner?

These are all questions you need to ask yourself, which when you are clear about these things, you will realise that you are so much more than just your penis size. If you want to have good sex—like, real good sex—don’t you think you need to feel seen by your partner?

With that said, the same goes with your partner. If you want to be seen, then show yourself. Let your partner see you as a great person with big passions and not just a big dick.

  1. Show her that sex can go beyond simple penile penetration

Although the best part of sex for many men is the penile penetration, if you are someone who is worried about whether or not your partner can be satisfied with just your dick, there are many other ways you can make sex better. For a lot of woman, sex isn’t just having a man’s penis inside her vagina; all kinds of things, tangible and intangible, also matter.

You probably have heard that foreplay plays a really big role in making sure that a woman eventually reaches orgasm. This is super true because unlike men, women do need a longer and slower sexual stimulation to get really ‘ready’ for mind-blowing sex.

So, if you want to show your partner that size doesn’t really matter, you need to up that sensual foreplay game. If you’ve got your skills in place, even touches and kisses can make a woman orgasm.

  1. Show her your vulnerable side as a man too

Now you should come to your senses: sex is so much more than just a penis and a vagina touching each other. Depending on the kind of upbringing a person has, some people may want to deny the fact that sex is a very emotional thing. No matter what kind of relationship you have with the other person—even if it's just a one-night-stand—sex is a bonding between two people (at least).

Sex is a very intimate thing where you truly show your vulnerability in front of another person. Of course, if you are having casual sex with an absolute stranger then you may not want to do that. But if it's your own significant other, opening up and being vulnerable can open up new heights of emotional connection that can make sex more intimate. Don't be afraid to show who you truly are.

  1. Show her that you care about her more than the sex you share

Well, sex is sex. But if you are in a committed relationship with someone whom you adore and love, you need to make sure she knows how much you care about her. You can’t deny the fact that men and women are biologically different, in the same way, the emotional make-ups of how a woman perceives the world and how a man does are also different. Sometimes, women just don’t know if you really care about them unless you state it matter-of-factly. Meanwhile, a lot of guys may think that trying their best in bed itself is a proof of love. A lot of women actually don’t think like this, especially when they have had some kind of trauma pertaining to their sexuality.

With that said, you need to show her that your love for her matters more than the sex you both share.