Why Male Enhancement Pills Work Differently?

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Male enhancement pills are an effective method of boosting your sex life. They help you fully participate and become eager to enjoy sexual intercourse. This fate is attained due to the different ingredients available in many male enhancement tablets.

Perhaps it’s their multi-faceted approach to tackling the male sexual difficulties that makes them so robust. And in harnessing the various compounds therein, they perform in many ways.

Some ingredient acts by relaxing the penile muscles. This relaxed state allows for the added supply of nutrients and blood resulting in a better erection.

Other male enhancement pills target the central nervous system. By increasing the sensation along the neuron path, they increase the rate at which the sexual signals are stimulated. As such, it boosts the intensity of the penile arousal.

Also, body chemistry matters in male enhancement pills. Different people have different reactions to the same medicines. It is why most reviews about male enhancement pills are mixed. In some individuals, there may be reported side effects on the pills while in some, the pills just work as it should.

Still, there could be some reports of the pills having no effect at all in some individuals. Even in clinical trials, not everyone reports positive to a particular solution. The major reason for these variations is body chemistry. For a better result, you may consider taking the pills with a supplement alongside your pills. This helps a lot in boosting the positive effects of the pills while mitigating the side effects.

Again how the pills are consumed is another factor that could affect the results. Generally, the dosage is often prescribed with age. When the pills are not consumed according to prescription, it could lead to different results among different individuals.

Better still, some ingredients work on the hormones responsible for regulating your sexual urge. By enhancing the DHEA molecules, your sex performance gets a large decisive punch.

1 Kamasutra Sex Position - The Peg Position

It is a challenging position but enables the partners to experience newer levels of ecstasy. The man lays on his side while the woman curls up, touching her chest with her knees and holding onto the man’s legs with her own. After allowing penetration the woman can also wrap her arms around the man’s legs.

There are many types of male enhancement pills available worldwide. Some prefer medicinal pills, while some prefer herbal extract male enhancement pills. But the major question and people's concern is, why every male enhancement pill works differently?

If you have been reading reviews and customer testimonials of different brands of male enhancement, you must have realized that they did not work in the same way for the various users. For some, it delivered the desired results, but for others, they did not get exactly what they were looking for.

Information of this nature must have left you astounded. You are wondering whether to go ahead and buy them or drop the quest altogether. Before you make that critical decision, read this article until the end, so you can finally understand why they work differently.

Health status

Before using male enhancement pills, it is imperative to have your doctor determine the state of your health. In some instances, your GP will advise against the use of ME supplements due to health complications.

For example, if you have health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and cancer, among many other illnesses, your doctor will not allow you to use them.

However, if he or she feels that your health, even though not at the optimum, can handle the effects of male enhancement supplements, you will get a go ahead.

If you do not get a clean bill of health but still receive permission to use ME pills, it is almost impossible for them to deliver maximum results like they would, if you were in perfect health.

The extent of sexual health problems

To what extent are your sexual problems? Male enhancement pills are known to deal with a wide array of male issues. They range from premature ejaculation, impotence (also known as erectile dysfunction), low sex drive, hormonal imbalance, and infertility.

The result you get from male enhancement pills is without a doubt dependent on the magnitude of your sexual health problem or dysfunction. If your problem is just small, then you will only witness a slight improvement - and vice versa is true.

1 FAQ About Penis Size

How many Men have large or above-average Penis?

Honestly, if you ask a guy is your penis very large? His answer will be No I have just an average penis. Even those men that have a penis larger than the 7 inches will answer the same way. Men are not concerned with if their penis is larger than average but their main query is if their penis size is normal or not.

The reason for this trend can be attributed to pornographic films that are now easily available to watch. Coming towards the question of how many men have the larger than average penis. Most of the men's penis lies in the normal range. The average size of the penis is around 5.16 inches and around 2/3rd of the men have around the same penis size. Around 20% of the men have above average penis size.

Around 15% of the men have 7 inches of penis. Only 5% of men have larger than 7 inches penis.

As such, do not expect a significant boost, if your problem is just small.

Your age

Young healthy men who use male enhancement pills should not expect to see substantial changes to the different aspects of their sexual performance such as erections and sex drive - especially if they have not experienced any problems.

Some men decide to take them just to get a boost. In such instances, you cannot anticipate significant changes. On the other hand, older men usually obtain better results, seeing that their sexual health has deteriorated significantly.

Older men begin to experience weak erections, have difficulty controlling their ejaculation, have a low sex drive, and their sexual stamina decrease as well. By taking male enhancement pills, such men are going to witness more dramatic changes compared to what a healthy and physically fit young man would get.


Different brands of ME pills contain varying ingredients. Those that share similar components have some differences too - for instance in terms of the quantities. Manufacturers use varying formulas, and this explains why these products work differently.

Some male enhancement pills have higher proportions of herbal extracts, vitamins, and minerals which in turn make them more efficient compared to the ones containing smaller portions of these active ingredients.

These are the topmost reasons for pills working differently.

Why Enlarge Your Penis

Being missed

Is there any reason behind your girlfriend leaving you or maybe a hot date you had one-night ditch you after a really long conversation and nice meal? What do you think all of this means? Is it a sign? Of course, it is. Women are as sexually charged as men.

They want to have a man who can take care of their desires and help her reach the peak of pleasure they have never reached before.

So, what is it that you think went missing here? Of course, it is the size of the penis. The reason why men want enlarged penis is that they want to leave behind their memory even though it lasted for only a few minutes.

So, don't you think you are ready to be remembered for your package? We think you are dying too and that is another reason behind why you should go forward with the thought as to how penis enlargement can benefit you.